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[하계 전공연수 강의 기록] 3주차 중간 정리 본문

외부활동 참여 기록/2024 하계 전공 연수

[하계 전공연수 강의 기록] 3주차 중간 정리

시데브 2024. 7. 23. 06:45

Of digital business models, platforms and gatekeepers - from analogous to digital business models 

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benedikt Schnellbacher, 7/18


business model

  1. Value offering architecture - value can be something that solve problems, satisfy something?
  2. Internal value creation architecture
  3. External value creation architecture
  4. Financial architecture


business model innovation

  • BMI(Business Model Innovation) comprises either innovating one core element or several of them 
  • BMI can be realized with a subquent change


Digitization - analog to digital stored information 

Digitalization - digital technologies

Digital Transformation - profound change


Drivers for value creation 

  • Learning effects - google’s search algorithm
  • Network effects - facebook(direct) and AirBnB(indirect)


Search Engine Market Share Worldwird - 6 2024

  • Goggle 91.05
  • Bing 3.74
  • Yandex 1.44



Two main challenges to value capturing in platform business models

  1. Multihoming 
  • When participants of both sides of the platform can easily switch between different platform providers


  1. Disintermediation
  • When users of a platform can easily bypass the network to connect directly
  • example: Freelancing platforms
  • approaches to solve it - AirBnB의 case: 유저가 결제하기 이전에 제공받는 정보를 제한


Five Characteristics of AI-powered networks

  • made of digital connections between network nodes


Strategic network analysis 

  1. Mapping the networks - List the major networks a business is connected to (ex uber - drivers, riders/users)
  2. Network value creation and capture factors
  3. Mapping the company’s opportunities



information의 dissemination(바로 송출되지 않고, 필터링되는 것)


  • Classic gatekeeper problem - T mobile, apple(hardware supplier), …
  • Gatekeeper problem of the internet - technical infrastructure(broadband operators, hardware suppliers), software and data(search engines, social networks) google, facebook, …


International studies with EUSMAT

Flavio Soldera, Frank Mucklich, 7/22


informatics, biotech, materials


Employability skills based on flash Eurobarometer

  • communication skills 
  • foreign language skills
  • ability to adapt to and act in new situations



  • sensitivity to culture
  • language skills
  • technical skills
  • forecd to leave their comfort zone
  • independency
  • career impact



  • culture shock
  • study time
  • lower academic performance
  • financial efforts


FAIR = Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable




The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of the ?


General Introduction of the Institute


Dr.-Ing. Dominik Britz, 7/22


Research Focal Points

  • Surface Engineering 
  • Materials Engineering
  • Advanced Microstructures


Machine Learning in Material Science 

Material Microstructure Classification에 AI 기술 사용 


  • Consider ML in mc in holistic approach


Correlative Microscopy: LM + SEM + EBSD


Ground truth assignment - supervised learning

 -> unsupervised learning: EBSD data -> Demensional reduction(t-sne) -> Clustering(k-means)


PAG Segmentation



  • Controlling and understanding material science related aspects > optimization of ML hyperparameters


그래서 이걸로 뭘 할 수 있냐?

  • Enhanced connectivity
  • Optimized friction & wear 
  • hygenic surfaces 
  • security & optical design 


Entering with a job offer 


  1. possibility to enter visa-free
  2. visa at the German embassy

Types of visa

  • Employment permit(18b aufenthG)
  • Researcher visa(18d aufenthG)
  • Blue card(18g aufenthG) 



Entering without a job offer 


  1. Visa-free entry, up to 90 days
  2. Opportunity card(20a aufenthG)